Hello there! My name is Justin Kander, I am the founder of BuyCannabisBooks.com. I have been writing books and articles about cannabis for many years, with a primary focus on how cannabis can treat cancer. By selling my books (all in PDF eBook form), I hope to derive income that I can use to advance my advocacy and support a modest lifestyle. However, my two primary books, The Comprehensive Report on the Cannabis Extract Movement and Cannabis for the Treatment of Cancer, will always be available for free because I believe the information contained therein is too important to require charging for. While they can be purchased if desired to support me, they can also be easily and freely downloaded. And frankly even if you want the third book for free, Enhancing Your Endocannabinoid System, I am happy to send that to you if you email me at thehempsolution@gmail.com. The only one I actually am prohibited from giving away is Cannabis Extracts in Medicine, as that was formally published in Paperback and Kindle form with two coauthors.
My ultimate goal is to help create a world where all patients can cheaply and easily access cannabis medicine. My personal goal is to become as physically and mentally strong as possible through nutrition, exercise, and meditation. I hope that I can inspire you to advocate for cannabis medicine and become stronger yourself!